Awakening Theology School

I have been engaged in Seminary classes for the past year and a half and that has really broadened my studies on the Old Testament primarily, and secondarily the New Testament. The weekly modules require a fair amount of reading, mostly Theological Journals and Seminary Dissertations, followed by video classrooms, Q&A sessions, and then an exam. The classes are challenging (for an Agricultural Sciences major) and I enjoy Theological challenges that will help shape my personal Theology and worldview into the future.

I remember my Pastor Chuck Smith often saying that we should only be dependent upon what the Holy Spirit teaches us. Seminaries often try to take credit for what graduating Pastors accomplish. While a seminary education (on my very limited basis) sure helps, I give all credit for any success to the Holy Spirit and Christs’ ceaseless love for me.

In all I have read over the years of my experience few writers have touched me like Reuben A. Torrey. There is no better written material on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit then what he wrote almost 100 yeart ago. The small booklet titled “The Baptism With The Holy Spirit” describes the necessity, the blessings, and the power of His anointing for ministry. Jesus insisted that the disciples not go anywhere until they were clothed with fire upon high. Should we do any less?


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A Fresh Perspective